Michael Rick
DD Tech Administrator & CTE/ACP Coordinator
A message from the Administrator
My name is Michael Rick, and I am proud to be a part of the DD Tech / DDSD family. I have been with the District since 2016 and have seen first hand the amazing opportunities our district and community has to offer. I earned my Masters of Science in Career and Technical Education (CTE) and my Bachelor of Science in Education from the University of Wisconsin-Stout. During my time at DDSD, I have taught Technology Education, served as the CTE Department Chair, and served as the District's CTE Coordinator. I am looking forward to continuing my District involvement as the DD Tech Administrator and CTE/ACP Coordinator.
As an educator and member of our community, I am extremely excited for everyone who has the opportunity to enroll in DD Tech. DD Tech is changing the way we think about education and is here to prepare students for their dream job. DD Tech students are able to gain workplace knowledge and skills through: our industry standard classroom/lab settings, networking with professionals, and “test driving” potential careers through career and work-based learning programs. Our goal is to guide students down the right path to prepare them for a career after high school and give them opportunities to earn certifications, technical diplomas and associate degrees. These credentials along with partnerships with local businesses/industry, equip students with the opportunity to rise above others when securing a job. We look forward to preparing the next generation of workforce leaders!
On a personal note, My wife and I along with our two kids have a passion for the great outdoors. We love spending time as a family outside while hiking, biking, fishing and hunting. Much of our summer is spent in Hayward, WI at our family cabin with our two dogs.