Career and Technical Education Pathways
Students enrolled in the DD Tech are offered a variety of opportunities to explore and experience potential career pathways throughout their educational journey. Our programs offer students the opportunity to embark on a career pathway that relates to their future career interests and the modern day workforce. DD Tech students are able to gain business/industry knowledge and skills by working within our industry standard classroom/lab settings, networking with business/industry professionals, and while “test driving” potential careers through our career and work-based learning programs. Our established career pathways allow students to further their education, develop their skills, and build their future!
In partnership between Gateway Technical College and Local Business/Industry, DD Tech is proud to announce that each career pathway allows students the opportunity to complete the following:
• Career Relevant/Applicable Core Academic Courses
• Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation Courses/Activities
• Work Experience through a Youth Apprenticeship or Internship
• Stackable Credentials (Industry Recognized Certifications, Technical Diplomas, and Associate's Degrees)
• 21 Credit High School Diploma