Course: CC360 - Employability Skills
Grade: 9, 10, 11, 12
Subject Area: Business
Type: Standard
Credits: 0.5
Course Information:
This class provides the training and preparation necessary to succeed in an entry-level job/career. Emphasis is placed on work ethic, attitude, and professionalism. Students participate in a wide variety of career awareness and exploration projects/activities, including but not limited to:
Completing application forms
Writing resumes and cover letters
Participating in and presenting on job shadows
Participating in mock interviews
Analyze career opportunities based on students’ interests and skills
Prepare cover letter and resume and complete job application form
Participate in mock interview
Create a portfolio containing representative samples of student work
Examine the steps involved in communicating in the workplace
Assess potential challenges in international business
Notes: This course is a prerequisite for work release.