About Delavan-Darien High School
Delavan-Darien High School is located in the City of Delavan just off of Interstate 43 about an hour southwest of Milwaukee and an hour northeast of Rockford, Illinois. Our enrollment is approximately 725 students in grades 9-12. We routinely score above average on the State Report Card, as our overall score was 73.8 in the 2019-2020 school year, which Exceeds Expectations. DDHS serves a diverse student population with 49% Hispanic and 48% White. Students have the opportunity to choose from 13 AP (Advanced Placement) courses and numerous extra co-curricular activities and clubs. We offer 10 boys varsity sports and 11 girls varsity sports in addition to several musical options. Our District has been identified as a 2020 Best Communities for Music Education by NAMM.