Course: MU750 Orchestra – A
Grade: 11, 12
Subject Area: Music
Type: Accelerated
Credits: 1
Course Information:
This is a year long course that requires selection of both semesters: S1 and S2. Prior string experience or teacher approval.Orchestra introduces students to string ensemble and orchestral literature of different composers, periods and styles. Music from the Renaissance to the present will be studied. Students are required to attend individual or small group lessons unless they receive professional private lessons. Attendance at scheduled concerts is required. Students will also prepare solo and ensembles for performance in the Spring. This course is an option for Jr. & Sr. students who are in Orchestra and qualify to perform at an accelerated level. Accelerated Orchestra students are required to complete one additional project per grading period. The projects may vary and may be chosen by the student with teacher approval. All projects will have a written evaluative requirement.
Understand and apply note reading concepts appropriate for their level of experience
Understand a music vocabulary and apply their meaning to performance
Understand the relationship of pitches within major and minor scales (whole and half steps) and be able to apply that knowledge to music in any key or mode
Experience, in rehearsal and performance, major works by master composers of various cultures and historical eras
Perform with appropriate balance, tone and presentation (stage presence/””professionalism””)
Participate in a structured rehearsal demonstrating understanding of each musician’s role and expectations within the rehearsal
Perform with appropriate technique and playing position for their instrument/voice
Understand and apply a vast array of articulations within music and exercises (minimally: detache, slur, staccato, hooked staccato, tremolo, accent, portato, marcato, spiccato)
Master 1st and 3rd position and explore an array of other left hand positions
Complete a written record of their progress on assignments (lesson logs)
Complete course work at an advanced level beyond regular Orchestra class MU550 repertoire
If you take this course, you must also take MU750-S2 – Orchestra – A S2
Notes: Prior string experience or teacher approval.