Course: SC455 Computer Science Essentials
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Subject Area: Science, Technology/Engineering, PLTW-Project Lead The Way
Type: Standard
Credits: 1
Course Information:
This is a year long course that requires selection of both semesters: S1 and S2. Project Lead The Way course Students work in teams to develop computational thinking and solve problems. The course does not aim to teach mastery of a single programming language but aims instead to develop computational thinking, to generate excitement about the field of computing, and to introduce computational tools that foster creativity. The course also aims to build students’ awareness of the tremendous demand for computer specialists and for professionals in all fields who have computational skills. Each unit focuses on one or more computationally intensive career paths. The course aims to engage students to consider issues raised by the present and future societal impact on computing.
Students will create original code, read, and modify code provided from other sources
Students will use programs to demonstrate a working knowledge of popular computer fields such as cybersecurity, web development, and information technology
Students will examine very large data sets tied to themselves as well as to areas of work and society. By learning a variety of data visualization techniques and working to recognize opportunities to apply algorithmic thinking and automation when considering questions that have answers embedded in data
Students are challenged to explore the assumptions and parameters built into several simulations and to attach meaning to the results. Having explored a few applications of intelligent behavior emerging from algorithmic components, students reflect on the current and future state of artificial intelligence
Prerequisites: Geometry
Notes: This course will fulfill the CTE Credit For Graduation.