Course: SC535 Environmental Studies

Grade:  11, 12

Subject Area: Science

Type: Standard

Credits: 1

Course Information:

This is a year long course that requires selection of both semesters: S1 and S2. Environmental Studies is a course that studies the physical, chemical, and biological conditions of the environment, focusing on how humans alter the environment and developing solutions to environmental problems. The course places major emphasis on lab experiences and case studies. Topics will include the atmosphere, climate change, air pollution, water pollution, water use, aquatic biomes, water quality, populations, invasive species, energy, soils, geology, terrestrial biomes, wildlife management, and forestry. Practical experiences dealing with conservation, management, and use of our natural resources are provided. Wisconsin environmental issues and current global issues will be emphasized.


  • Students will use scientific text and data to analyze global and local current environmental issues and develop potential sustainable solutions to those issues

Prerequisites:  Conceptual Chemistry or Chemistry

Notes: This course will fulfill the physical science credit for graduation.