Course: SS700 AP Government & Politics
Grade: 11, 12
Subject Area: Social Studies
Type: Accelerated, Advanced Placement, Articulated Credits
Credits: 1
Course Information:
This is a year-long course that requires selection of both semesters: S1 and S2. College Advanced Program Students will acquire an analytic perspective on government and politics in the United States. This course includes both the study of general concepts used to interpret United States politics and the analysis of specific examples. It also requires familiarity with the various institutions, groups, beliefs, and ideas that constitute United States politics. This course has been designed to help students successfully complete the National College Board Advanced Placement Government and Politics exam (administered in May) which may allow students to earn college credit. Students signing up for an Advanced Placement course will be expected to take the AP Exam in May. Summer readings may be assigned.
Know important facts, concepts, and theories pertaining to US government and politics
Understand typical patterns of political processes and behavior and their consequences – including political behavior, principles used to explain or justify various government structures and procedures, and the political effects of these structures and procedures
Analyze and interpret basic data relevant to US government and politics including data presented in charts, tables, and other formats
Critically analyze relevant theories and concepts, apply them appropriately, and develop their connections across the curriculum
Contemporary US HistoryorAP US History
If you take this course, you must also take SS700-S2 – AP Government & Politics S2
Notes: It is recommended that students receive a minimum of a C in Contemporary US History or AP US History