Meet SRO Hooper!
DDSD Community Resource Fair!
DDSD Receives WIAA Award of Excellence
Register Now for an Amazing Academic Year!
DDSD Welcomes SFE as New Food Service Provider
Honoring Our Veterans: A Football Game Tribute
Back-to-school Shopping
Freshman First Day - Tuesday, August 29, 2023
Register Your Student Today!
DDHS Announces 2nd Semester High Honors
DDHS Announces 2nd Semester Honor Roll
ParentSquare - New District Communications Platform
DDHS & DD Tech Mock Interviews
Kyle Polzin Named New DDSD Athletic and Activities Director
Farm DAy
 Governor Tony Evers Visits DDSD
May Comet Community Chronicle
Delavan-Darien’s Music Education Program Receives National Recognition Again
 Employability Skills Class
 SkillsUSA State Conference