Congratulations to our Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certified students. MOS certifications prepare students for life after graduation. MOS skills help students complete college assignments easier than their peers. MOS skills will set students apart from others when applying for jobs.
Delavan-Darien High School students in Computer Applications earned 19 certifications during this school year. The certifications included three Microsoft Office programs: Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint.
Listed below are the students who received MOS certifications this year:
Salma Cano, Isaias Cardona, Mauricio Duran, Nathan Hackett, Alizon Hernandez Espinoza, Cole Loback, Jennifer Lopez, Hannia Nevarez Martinez, Kenneth Shackett, & Gracey Yartey
The Business Education department is committed to providing students with college and career readiness skills. For more information about the business education courses offered at DDHS, visit here.