Delavan-Darien High School is proud to share that we were able to contribute 650 pounds of food to our local food pantry through the Hunt Off Hunger Campaign in collaboration with the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. This is the the third year of the campaign where Delavan-Darien HS competes against Lake Geneva Badger HS, Elkhorn Area HS, and Big Foot Union HS to see which school can bring in the most food donations for their local pantry. DDHS won the campaign in 2019 and 2020. This years winner, however, was Lake Geneva Badger bringing in 1900 pounds of food! Delavan-Darien HS came in 2nd with 650 pounds, followed by Big Foot Union HS with 620 pounds, and finally Elkhorn Area HS with 40 pounds of food. Congratulations to all districts and thank you to the students, faculty, and community that supported our efforts this year and always!

DDHS Participates in Walworth County Food Drive
November 23, 2021