Course: SC370 Digital Electronics
Grade: 10, 11, 12
Subject Area: Technology/Engineering, PLTW-Project Lead The Way
Type: Standard
Credits: 1
Course Information:
This is a year-long course that requires selection of both semesters: S1 and S2. Project Lead The Way course Gateway Technical College This course is designed for 10th, 11th, or 12th-grade students. Students will greatly increase their knowledge in electronics as it pertains to digital circuitry design and construction. This course is a must for students seeking a career pathway in the highly recruited field of electronics and computer technology. Students will apply math principles to solve digital circuitry problems in design. Students will learn about logic gates, clocks, counters, flip-flops, multiplexers, segment displays, and programmable GALS, while designing digital circuitry. Lab work will consist of designing circuits using MultiSim electronic circuit simulation and electronic digital breadboarding.
Analyze and interpret ways in which political, cultural, social, and psychological concepts are explored in the world of electronics
Demonstrate proficiency in the use of Circuit Design Software (CDS) and a Digital Logic Board (DLB) to simulate and prototype combinational logic designs implemented with programmable logic
Demonstrate and explain the difference between active high and active low signals
Prerequisites: Algebra