SS730 PIE Psychology course
Course: SS730 PIE Psychology course
Grade: 11, 12
Subject Area: Social Studies
Type: Accelerated, Advanced Placement, Articulated Credits
Credits: 1
Course Information: This is a year-long course that requires selection of both semesters: S1 and S2. This course is an introduction to college psychology. This course will be a survey of major content areas in psychology. Topics include research methodology, learning, memory, cognition, biological, sensation, perception, motivation, emotion, development, personality, psychopathology, and social psychology. Students who earn a 70% or better in both semesters will earn 3 college credits. This course is treated like other ECCP courses. If a student fails the course, the student must reimburse the District for the cost of the course ($315).
Develop scientific skills including critical thinking, problem-solving and an understanding of scientific methodology related to psychology
Demonstrate knowledge of psychological concepts, perspectives, theories, terminology, and their interconnectedness
Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research
Develop methods to use psychological knowledge in everyday life
Participate effectively in small and large group discussions
Prerequisites:To qualify to take this course, a student must have attained a 22 on the ACT or have a minimum of a 3.0 GPA on a 4.0 scale, and successfully completed Contemporary US History or AP US History. Students taking this course should be planning on attending a two or four-year post-secondary education program.